Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Go With the Flow

Well it's a dang good thing that I don't get too worked up over things. I thought I was headed out today ready to start my new job. It was a great morning and I was ready to get started. We started getting all of the details squared away. Driver's License, social security, Cosmo license... cosmo license. That was the problem. I didn't have it yet. I hadn't sent the application in the mail just yet, but i didn't think it was a problem. It turns out that I wasn't supposed to work at all without it. Which makes sense, but how was I supposed to know? So I went home and finished the paper work and drove down to Salt Lake to hand deliver it. I should have it within 2 to 3 weeks. And even if I don't get it in the mail as long as it's processed and I'm listed as "Active" on the website then I can start working. So until then, I'm just a "sitting duck". Not completely though. It's a good thing that I still have Fatcats under my belt. So who knows how long it will take but hopefully no longer then a week. Cross your fingers for me everybody!

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